We will make you a Youtube Sales Funnel which will add
10-20 qualified sales calls to your business per month in just 90 days.

• We turn creators to into a YouTube machine -
all you need to do is record for 1 hour every week.
EVERYTHING IS DONE-FOR-YOU & systemised• We will get you in front of the right people• Become an industry leader & build a loyal fanbase on YT.Make more money


We conduct through research into your niche and analyse the competition and identify gaps in the niche you can exploit.
We create 20 video scripts, going from top to the bottom of the funnel.
All you need to do:
Record a script we send you weekly with everything you need to know, we edit, do the thumbnail & SEO and post it for you.

A brief overview of the funnel...

Top of the funnel:
Prospects find out about you, you bring in new leads and interest. We talk about surface level topics and have more 'clickbaitey' titles
The NEW way to make $10k/month (B2C)
[Mechanism] has changed in 2025. (B2B)
This guides viewers into what you do and piques their interest.

Middle of the funnel:From here, the new leads are directed to a 'rabbit hole' of 5-10 videos which provide the solution to their biggest problems and address their objections before they can say them.We show the viewer you know exactly what you're talking about, and they accumulate hours of watchtime.This is where their subconcious becomes biased to you.

Bottom of the funnel:Here, we leverage results based videos and testimonials.
The viewer is already pre-sold to you. They have watched hours of your content and are basically ready to buy - they just need that little nudge.
This is the nudge.=$$$

Of course, we can't show everything here...

If you're ready to maximise your YouTube
with everything done-for-you...